So I just replaced the piston rings and cam chain on one of my TTR's that had a little rattle in the (so I thought) top end.
At the time there was little to no play in the big end so was left as it was. Few rides later and the noise that never left was back and at the first oil change the (after 2 hours ridding) the filter was full of that stuff you never want to find in a filter.
Anyway engine is on the bench atm head is off and there is a **** load of movement up and down as well side by side on the crank.
It is probably the bearing cage breaking up if you have up and down play plus bits in the filter - definitely sounds like you need a new big end!
You have already invested in your engine is it's probably worth persevering with it. Once done, your engine should be good for many thousand more miles
The Yamaha big end kit incliudes the big end boss as well as the beraing and a new conrod - see
An alternative is to buy a good second-hand crankshaft as, to be honest, big ends rarely fail on the TTR so there is a fair chance you could bag a good 'un.
If you were in the UK I would point you at Totally TTRs - see
Well I finaly have the time to start putting bits back together can I have some help with the crank counter balancer ?
Are there marks? or do you just get the to weights straight across from each other?
The workshop manual just states to but it back together as it came apart.