I have a 1999 TTR250 with 15000 km on the clock. After realising a few drops of oil each time I parked, I decided to replace the sprocket seal. When I noticed that the problem was still thee, I went for the talcum powder and noticed it was coming from the rubber grommet that holds the wires into the alternator cover. Any ideas on best way to fix, also other things worth checking? I have researched with keen interest the sprag clutch issues and hope that I don't have any cracked casings.
Thanks in advance for any help. This site is a great resource and improves the value of owning a TTR
It would be good if you can put some location info on your profile even if just your country and county/state pretty please. The same goes for everyone!
The entry point of the cables is quite high up on the generator cover casing - see photo below.
My guess is that your leak is from a damaged gasket - hopefully not a cracked casing.
You won't know until you got the casing off - see http://www.ttr250.com/Sprag_replacement/TTR_sprag_replacement.htm
I've had a leak on one of my TTRs from a similar place, I also think it's the rubber grommet. Tried 2 new gaskets and both have been the same... Also tried a different generator cover
I had an oil leak on a TTR back along and had the cover off a couple of times. Tried a new gasket but still leaked. Turned out to be a hairline crack in the casing that didn't show up when the cover was off but opened up enough to allow oil to leak when bolted up
I am not saying that's the problem just one more thing to look out for. Not seen it before or since.....