I bought an Optimate III 14 years ago and it is still giving sterling service
It came with a "permanent lead" which stays connected to the battery and has a waterproof connection that fits the Optimate lead. I found the box the other day with the original lead still in it and fitted it to my Golden Flash as the crocodile clips fitted by the PO were tricky to use.
I later came to charge the battery on the TTR which, being lazy, I do with the battery in situ. This makes it difficult to get the Optimate's crocodile clip connectors a tad difficult to attach as there is so little room around the battery terminals. A slight movement on the lead can make them ping off
Light bulb moment - I needed another waterproof connector lead for the TTR
I ordered it yesterday morning from RS Components and it has just been delivered! Not bad for £4.77 total cost inc. shipping
There is a choice of red or black waterproof covers. Think I will use the red one to make the end more visible.
The problem was mostly to do with the bulky inline fuse holder which really didn't fit anywhere if I attached the -ve lead to the bottom battery terminal. Also placing the waterproof terminal that attaches to the charger lead was problematical as I wanted it accessible without taking off the side panel or allowing it near the exhaust
I ended up taking out the battery box and fitting the inline fuse beside the TTR's own fuse:
I think the end result looks fairly tidy:
Side panel fits OK and it is easy to attach the charger:
I hope that helps someone.
PS Since fitting, I have swapped out the red waterproof cap for the black version coz red didn't go well on my TTR
Thanks for the tip Brian.
I also have the old style Optimate iii and I have purchased (eBay) and wired up a connecting lead as in your posts above. I can confirm it works wonderfully and I am now sharing (but not at the same time) the Optimate between my TTR and my Triumph.