Anyone get that gratted feel when the pull in the clutch lever , ( one or two clicks /grate sound) had mine apart and the cable and pivot area were already well lubed , but i cleaned the clutch lever pivot and relubed cable and pivot again. (Theres was no gratting for about 100 pulls i guess ) but now its back. Cable looked good but the knob that goes inside the lever may have beeen a tiny bit off shape. Could this be the culprit.?
Yes i see what you mean.( abit off in size / shape )
Its a shorty lever ive had on for 25,000km, ive just noticed the gratting , but what i will do is put back on the factory lever and see how that goes. I shall report in a few days
Mine does that too. The cable grabs the side of the lever as it pivots. I "relieved" the gap a bit with a file and keep it lightly lubricated. Seems the hole in the lever wears unevenly and allows the cable to pull at an angle.