I have the white tank TTR250 Open Enduro, I believe 1994ish. Since I've bought it, it has an annoyingly fast idle speed with the choke on. I have the manual but I cannot see a section which describes how to adjust it. Any help would be appreciated!
For reference: I tried turning it in, but it doesn't seem to work like that on this type of carb. I did notice the shaft is slightly bent so I need to replace that.
I've recently added the stubby header and an open FMF Powercore4 exhaust (the noisey one!), with a Moose Racing filter so I'm next thinking of airbox mod and then buying a carb kit to match these mods from Ebay (a company in the US send out a whole kit rather than just changing jets). I've added these notes, in case the choke speed adjustment is by changing carb internals?