Call that deep this is what I class as deep[It just did not look that bad when I went in]me boot's was full but it was near the end of a run and the end of the summer plus only 20 miles from home so I was thinking I would be ok an not get to cold getting back so off home I went made it about half way then I picked a nail up in the rear tire. It took 3 hours from soaking to home in the end the first hour was the worst after that I could not feel me feet anymore. had it been winter I would have had to put my gloves on me feet for the trip back
It was over the wheel an I should have known better an read the report on the crossing on the overlay before trying it come on the Brian lets see North Tawton crossing fail been in that one an in that little hollow have seen it over the front guard but it's a short dip hole in the crossing
It's not any shallow there then Brian me an Oly went back 2 weeks later an we had had some rain in the week we had a look an gave it a miss that time it was when we bumped into you all suited an booted.We will make a return to that one next summer when the water level drops it's probably over top of the helmet deep with the rain we have had of late
You have a nice Decal kit on your TTR. Typical sleepy little french village scene there! Funny you tried not to get your legs wet at first and then you had no other choice but to!