Andy Welcome where abouts in Devon are you I trip out one or two saturdays a month at least in mid Devon this time of year 3-4 times in summer time you are welcome to come along just me leading an Oly if he's up for it an his better half dont see him leaving the house. can easy sort a starter run for you should you want to get muddy an wet
Thanks guys. Met Brian at the Devon TRF meeting the other week. Ended up with the TTR from Exmouth... always open to advice. Yes based in Sidford but no off road experience yet. If you don't mind a newbie with no skill slowing you down I would love to come out.
Andy you are a bit away for ride over for a start out from Crediton - Exeter or okehampton For sure at this time of year but if you want to ride over or can van trailer the bike to the start point out this way we or maybe just me will be out Saturday 30th for a 4-6 hour run an can cover some very easy lanes to get you started an you can stop or cut out anytime you like. we don't take the piss an laff to much when people fall off [unless it's in a big puddle] an I'm a slow rider I use to ride Trial's years back an I just cant get up any speed up prefer a crawling speed over the ground just tip us a wink on hear if you want to go out or any Saturday you want a run we will probably be up for it unless it's pissing it down.
Brian is the man to get the bike sorted an ready to go into combat an then to then sort a list of bits bob an tools to carry on your trips plus point you to the right riding gear to sort a safe outcome to your first badger attack as they seem to be able to spot a novice riders a tip them over fast if you look hard in the vid you can just see the little bugger come in from the left ninja kicking the front wheel sideways putting me down hard on me left knee an side my mate Tom came back an was kind enough to lift the bike off me before he got round to eating me...............