As you can see from the photo I have got at DT175 MX as well as the TTR. Actually I've got 3 DT's but two are in bits I also have a Fazer 600 and a RD350 F2 which is tuned. I also had a TRX 850, which I swapped for this .
I've only just got the TTR and this morning I took it off road for the first time. I live in Salisbury Wilts and the Shaston drove is a favorite of mine.
Must admit I like The TTR, I got on better with it than I thought I would after riding the DT.
I like my DT 's - 25 years ago when my son was 15 - we had a DT and we used to go off road riding. I would drive it to the lanes and then he would ride it on the lanes with me on the back ! He did a 1000 miles off road before he was 16. Yes with me on the back. In the beginning he scared the life out of me because he couldn't ride - later on he scared the life out of me because he could ride!!
I'm going to give the TTR to him for his 40th next year and I want to get another DT back on the road so that my son in law came come out with us as well .
Mind you I'm tempted to sell the DT's and all the spares and get another TTR
Now the for an explanation of the heading " An old newbie" - well I will be 64 this year and it's only recently that I've gone back on the lanes. I think it's a good idea to have a bit company in case I get stuck etc .
Yeah the old Shaftesbury drove/shaston drove is a goodun isn't it, my profile PIC was taken up on there, ox drove etc is good too, maybe see you up there some time.