just joined ,so just a few words about myself, [ I always try to join up to a forum when buying a new bike [ or used ] or car or van ...
I'm nelly
I live in Nottingham uk
I'm 48 ,and have been into bikes ever since I had my first moped at 16 , a Honda amigo [ the one with the fuel tank behind the seat, it had pedals ??????
anyway since then ive had a myriad of bikes, from ap50 to gpz900r to hornet, 350lc,s tdr250 ,tdr250 ,ktm 950 625, z1000.etc etc as you do?
at the moment I have a 2004 fz6 fazer,ive not had it long,and I was starting to really like it, even if it is far too fast for me nowadays,BUT my stepson who has been riding his cbr125 for a couple of years ,has just decided he wants something bigger, hes now taking a course to get his A2 licence,and hopes to have passed this side of Christmas,so yesterday after a few weeks of looking I found him "the bike of his dreams" YES A 1994/5 TTR250 RAID,and ive got to admit that I love the colour scheme,obviously I just had to have a blast on it before we parted with the hard earned,and ........................... the fazer might be going to make room for another ttr250 for myself,
ok its not fast but,im glad he chose it and not a crappy sv650 or 600 bandit with a restrictor, that way me and his mum will sleep better,
yeah ,I was so excited about turning 16 ,I was up at 5 and jumped on the amigo,new helmet,gloves,etc I went about 30 miles, grinning from ear to ear,then on the way back 3 or 4 miles from home ,it died ,ran out of petrol,and I had to pedal the thing, I can still feel the sweat running down my forehead now, lol
as for mr hood, ive never met him personally,but theres plenty of merry men around here,,,,
the goose fair is still going, but I think ive been twice in the last 20 years
I'm going to look for a ttr raid ,better seat fir my fat arse,if I cant find a good un, il get the best non raid ttr I can find and then swap him,
I'm sure il have plenty of questions for you all in the near future, but until then il just have a good read around