Hiya, I've just registered. I thought it polite to say hello rather than lurk I haven't got a TTR yet, I'm looking for a good plastic tank model, and when I do find one I'll no doubt have loads of questions. I quite fancy some spare 17" wheels too.
These are photos from the ebay ad, I'll get some better ones when I get a minute-
There were some spares including the proper headlight which will be going on because that one that's on it now is awful, I've also bought some Aprilia RS125 wheels (with discs, tyres and a sprocket) for £100 (bargain!) so I'll get those on at some point as well. Then it's off for an MOT, tax it and enjoy it
It's scruffy and needs a jolly good wash and service but it's ok. I'll get it road legal for now then we'll maybe take it apart over the winter and tidy it up properly for next year.