New to this site and bikes in general so go easy :)
I put my ttr250 on its side the other night to repair the clutch. Turned my fuel tap off before doing so. I expected a little bit of fuel to run from the overflow, however it didn't stop! I ended up having to clamp the hose to stop it!
What do you think the issue is/best way to fix it?
Float is probaby sticking in carb give the bowl of the carb a tap with the end of a screwdriver to release allowing it to shut fuel off simple fix hopefully 😊
-- Edited by hanzo on Friday 3rd of July 2015 08:47:47 AM
It sounds like the seal on the petrol tap is damaged.
Simple job to check. Just undo the two little cross headed screws and the tap lever will come out so that you can check the "funny face" seal behind it.
Good luck but any problems just ask again.
PS Can you put a few details in your profile even if just your home country please? Many thanks in advance
I never turn tap to off position when bike is idle on side stand and dont get leak from overflow that s why Im suggesting float sticking.A quicker way to check Brians theory would be to take feed pipe off carb and get a suitable container and check operation of the tap.Sarah also do this with a cold bike dont want petrol near hot exhaust