My partner and I have just emigrated from the land of no green laning (Scotland) to Stafford. I have a TR250 and she has Serrow (as well as an Aprilia RSV and a Street Triple though these are a bit poor off-road).
My TTR ha a couple of issues though and wonder if there is anyone who can help? Have not had it for long so am unfamiliar with any potential quirks.
1. After riding along at a reasonable pace for a while, the engine stops when throttle closed. Starts up again after a few seconds though.
2. Under acceleration and load, there seems to be a lot of vibration all through the rev range.
Hi Glen! Welcome to the forum! My mate who I mostly ride with also has a Serow and a Street! With regard to your problems, maybe checking the valve clearances may help? The vibration is coming from the engine yeah?
Hi Glen, Welcome to the forum, regarding the Stopping, it may well be worth checking out the carb, to check there is no crud in it and that the jets are nice and clean, for info, I am from South Manchester and do quite a bit of green laneing in the peak district if you ever fancy coming along :)
Ref the stalling, do the easy stuff first. Make sure the air filter is clean and properly fitted and the air screw is properly set. Undo the carb bowl drain screw (with a good fitting screwdriver so that you don't strip it) and drain through a bit of petrol to make sure its all clean in there. Also check that the filler cap is letting in air and not vacuuming.
Ref the vibration, do the simple check first which is to make sure all the engine bolts are done up tight. Don't know how they can work loose but they occasionally do and can give rise to vibration.
As a matter of interest I seem to have cured the vibration by checking all bolts as advised and decided to take the carb off and clean it thoroughly. It now goes a lot better although after prolonged speed of around 130 it stutters - Before it could only manage about 100 so I am quite happy with that. Engine response is better too so I guess that there was some muck in the carb somewhere and I re-adjusted the main screw at bottom of carb (Knurled nut one).
Looking forward to getting out on some green lanes soon. We are popping over to The High Peaks and Potteries TRF group tonight to see what is about.
Im also new to the group having been a 'watcher' for a few years decided to join a great group.
With regard to your stalling issue, I have experienced this occasionally on my 2000 TTR. I have a theory
that when cutting the throttle after a high engine speed run resulting in a
momentary over-rich mixture the spark plug fouls slightly and the engine runs rough or dies. I experienced this more when I had the stock exhaust fitted to my machine but now hardly ever, which I think also pointed at too richer mixture.
I agree with Brian's advice and also suggest you replace your spark plug, noting the condition of the old one when you remove it (blackened?).
I had better results with NGK plugs over the alternative Nippon Denso twin earth type. Another thing I found was to ensure the idle speed is not set too low.