G'day all. I'm Nam from Melbourne Down Under. I have an '02 that I picked up cheaply from a friend a few years ago. I like modifying bikes, so I converted it to a motard using cast alloy VTR250 rims. I am a stunt rider with Front Up Freestyle (www.frontupfreestyle.com) so I just wanted a little hack bike to play with when not wheelying the CBR600. I ended up also motarding a WR400 and from then on, it wasn't much fun riding the TTR. You do miss the power and torque.
I used to commute on a VTR250 and the TTR just sat around not being appreciated. I ended up listing the TTR for sale a month ago, but didn't get the price I wanted so I hung onto it. Good thing too! The VTR got written off a fortnight ago when I got rear ended on the way home from work. So the TTR got promoted to main commuter bike and I've been riding it daily ever since. Now that I've been forced to spend lots of time with it, I've actually started to enjoy riding it a lot. I even enjoy the challenge of kick starting it and think I am pretty good at it now.
It's got a few simple mods: Staintune slip on, B&B bash plate and frame guards, Barkbusters, Koubalink, Motard & dirt rims, a lightweight lithium battery (normal ones don't like running on their side), smaller indicators, folding mirrors, heated grips.
As I am now well and truly into bike middle age, I am thinking of setting it up for winter touring. A windscreen and chain oiler are on their way. I am sussing out fuel capacity solution, and rear rack (will probably DIY or convert a Ventura rack). I may try to blow out the blue tank with the old hot water and bike pump method and see if that is enough, before I drop cash on an Acerbis tank. I will probably sell my motard set up to fund modifications for dual sporting the TTR.
So there you go, from an underloved spare bike that never excelled at anything, to an appreciated daily ride with a little list of planned mods. I'm keen to do day rides around the Melbourne area.
Hi Nam. I sent you that email through Gumtree letting you know about this forum and all the imfo that can be read. There was a carb expert on here but he seems to of left us. Im from Tweed heads Australia.
Yes I remember that mail exchange. I was already aware of the forum but never intended to join until I decided to keep my TTR. Just picked up an Acerbis tank so might try an put it on over the long weekend.