wire short so after yesterday's dead stop in a lane main fuse blowing i have had the bike in bits well all the plastic's off tank and all cant find it. I have split the loom at the front as it has to be there as it came back good when the wires where moved up front. remade an rapped the wire's. cant do much more so just hope I got it I redid the front indicators as it was not a very good job. so as it stands I'm going to feel very uneasy on the lanes on me tod. cause let's face it it's not going to do it on the road is it even I'm not that lucky so will take her out in the week for a long A road run 100 miles + and see want happens before hitting the lanes. but need a back up plan for if it go's tits up on a lane as you need a 2nd man an bike on a bat phone to come pull you out to the black stuff some of the lanes are very remote in this neck of the woods
Yes it will be in the back of your mind. If you moved the loom up front it could have moved the loom under the tank where everything plugs into it. I'd be checking that part of the loom next.
2004 TTR250. White Brothers E series exhaust, modded airbox, rejetted, 13/48 c&s & many more mods..
yes Locky I been right over the loom had every plug in out and traced every wire. this is a nasty one it's a could might never will do it kind of thing it don't help the system is a one fuse thing. I can only suck it an see will make the test ride a ruff one jumping some kerbs an so on i have had it running and pulled the wires round always and she keeps running so I cant do more till it craps out.
It could be a coincidence that moving the headlight wires seemed to fix the problem. It could be a wire chaffed through in the sub loom to the tail light?
It might be worth putting in a lower amp in-line fuse (10 amp?) to the headlight feed so that you only lose the headlight if it blows.
Brian have just had the back mudguard off the bike and been over the loom at the back it's cut up a wee bit as last owner cut off the number plate light an ditched the yam tail tidy end of the wire's just taped up i have put two female bullets on the wire ends an re taped the loom to the frame at the back fingers crossed on it I think
I did think could have been water i had crossed 2 fords and a bomb hole in a lane that had seen water up to top of the tires but this happened 5 miles on from that crossing the bike was in a real a **** muddy wet state and an hour wile I waited for the AA man was time for it to do a lot of drying out so who knows but I've seen bike's picked up from under water after being dropped on a crossing an still start afterwards
pug did u check rear brake light switch as you said you done some ford crossings there was a similar problem on here before and turned out to be rear brake light switch .
Hanzo yep the wires down to it I and blow the air line up it and all the push pull switches ie cluch side stand front an rear brake and give them a blast from the wd40 can afterward's will see what a 100mile run go's like on Wednesday. if it should do it a 2nd time will bridge the fuse this time and look for the Smokey bit pull it before the fire then just buy new bit's off Brian
sounds like a plan fingers crossed it never does it again sounds like you had a good go through and covered most of the culprits maybe like baggers said a bit of water got in somewhere electrical faults are the worse to pin down