Recently I've had a couple of starting problems, the first I have now fixed which was a faulty starter solenoid.
My second starting fault is when starting from cold it fires up straight away as usual but pops and stalls. Today I began removal of the carb to give it a clean as I was assuming a dirty jet was the cause however I have found the inlet pipe (not too sure what the proper name for this bit) has separated, i'm expecting this will have been leaking air in causing my problem.
Has anyone else had this happen?
-- Edited by Chimpy on Sunday 21st of December 2014 05:30:09 PM
Exact same thing - weird pop from the carb, a burning smell and the engine stalling if the revs are low. Brian sorted me out with a new inlet rubber manifold, problem solved. Think I remember from a related thread that this might be a particular problem with 2003 TTRs. Good luck.
Sometimes, you just want to go for a ride.........