I had my first try at spraying on plastics this evening and, apart from having bought the wrong colour, it turned out OK!
I had first scraped off some "dead" bits of white plastic from the headlight surround. I then rubbed it down in warm soapy water with 400 grit wet & dry paper, followed by 600 grit.
After drying, I wiped the surround over with clutch/brake cleaning fluid to make sure the surface was clean and grease free.
I then sprayed a coat of plastic primer, left it to dry for 10 minutes and then gave it another "wet" coat.
I left it for an hour or so before rubbing down again with 600 grit to give a good key for the colour coat.
I then sprayed a fairly heavy "mist" coat of colour, left it to dry for 10 minutes and then gave it a wet coat. I could still see some light patches under the new paint so, after drying, I gave it another wet coat. The result is shown above.
I was using a 400ml can of Apico 5971041 YZ Blue but, unless it dries a lighter colour, that is the wrong paint
Anyone else sprayed their TTR plastics and can tell me what I should be using please?
I personally never painted any plastics on my bikes, but it is very common. I'm not sure on what to use or what's the best method. But on another note: you can take the white marks out of the blue plastics by carefully heating them with a heat gun. I've done it a couple times and it's made my plastics look like new again.