I usually ride a road bike, but when my brother broke his TTR250 and decided to sell it as a project I thought it would be a great opportunity to get into both engine and some trail riding one it was fixed. So, I finally managed to get the bike and engine (not together) back home and started on fixing the heavily smoky engine. I'm making reasonable progress, learning a whole bunch of stuff and generally enjoying myself, but I've finally come unstuck with a piston ring problem so thought I'd come here and ask the experts.
Anyway, being a newbie here I've taken a look around and can't find a thread that addresses my question, so could someone either point me in the direction of the best thread, or tell me where the best place to post a new question is please?
The issue I'm having is that I can't tell which of the new piston rings I've bought is the top, and which is the middle - neither of them look like the diagram in the manual!
The top ring is the one with some letters/numbers on - can't recall exactly what but that's the top ring and the writing faces upwards.
Despite what the manual suggests, there aren't any markings on the 2nd ring and I have therefore always assumed it can go in either way up coz how else would you know?
For anyone else in the same boat, I've posted a picture of the rings I have. They're .5 oversize (I.e for a first rebore which I think is what the numbers on them refer to. There are no other markings that I can see anywhere at all.
Hope someone finds this helpful.
-- Edited by TTRfan on Sunday 9th of November 2014 10:24:01 AM