Hello fellow TTR enthusiasts! It's been a while since I posted but I had a question about my bike. I'm not sure if this is normal, or if I should look into it, but when the bike is in gear (engine off), there is about 1/4 - 1/2 a turn of slack at the drive sprocket before it is stopped by the stopped engine. This slack is definitely felt when riding. If I were to let off the gas and the hit it again, you can feel the little "bump"due to the slack. I know it's not my chain either, I already looked into that. I hope I gave you a good idea of what I mean, but if anybody is confused let me know and I'll make a video. Does anybody else have or had this slack in their motor?
If it's not the gearbox sprocket then check the security of the rear sprocket.
If they're both OK with no slackness or play and your chain is tensioned correctly and not worn then I'm afraid it has to be something loose/worn in the clutch or gearbox.
That's all assuming that your wheel is not moving and the engine is securely held in the frame.
Ok I just replaced the chain (and sprockets) today, and realized the output shaft has much less play than I said it did in the original post. There's only about 1/16th of a turn of play which seems normal to me. The old chain was definitely worn, so perhaps thats where I was getting the little "bump" from when I hit the gas. I didn't get to ride the bike yet, but I'm hoping it will be alright. Not to mention I just got a 13-49 set to replace the old 13-52 set, in hopes of more speed :)