Gumtree Australia has 91 adds for ttrs for sale. Some of the adds are for swapping xrs or klx for yammys but most are selling ttrs. Problem is australia is so big it takes a 24 hour drive from east to west or south to north. I rang 4 blokes and got close up photos of particular areas of the bike before i would even visit the seller. Photos of the frame near gear shift and kick start was my request to try and work out if the KMs on speedo were bush or road ridding. original chain and sprockets was a major factor in the ttr that i bought. Anyway the ttr willbe getting alot of wear and tear late july as will be doing at least 1000 km of beach ridding from Noosa to Fraser island back and forth.
Make that 48----72 hours travel time if a TTRs for sale on the opposite side of the Australia. Take 3 sets of chain and sprockets with you if you want go via the center . Plus 2000 liters of drinking water