Stands designed for MX dirtbikes can be a problem for the TTR because of its lower ground height. I have sorted myself out with an adjustable stand now but the technique I used to use was to lean the TTR over (thus giving some extra clearance) and push the stand under the sumpguard as far as I could and then upright the TTR which is then balanced on the stand. It is then usually easy to slide the TTR to a safe position on the stand. Worth a try.
I treated myself to a KD bike lift last summer, the TTR can be lifted with it either on its side stand or in conjunction with a standard jack in a box type lift. It really is a joy to use and the wooden table doubles up as an extra work bench whilst working on the bike.
When the bench is not in use it sits in the corner of the garage in its lowered position with the TTR sat on with side stand.
My way similar to Brians but I pull the bike towards me with side stand down. This gives much clearance to get crates/mx stand under then flick her up and stablise.Draper do a 135kg off road lift for £162.00 am tempted.