Hi need some help in finding out what's the problem.The engine starts and idles fine, but as i increase the revs the engine starts to surge as if it is short of fuel,this started quite suddenly and i'm stumped as to the cause.
Things i have checked-
Valve clearences
Vacuum in petrol tank
Air leak at carb
Stripped and checked carb
Spark plug
Tried another ignition coil
The cam timing is slightly out because of worn cam chain,but it as been like this for a while,intened to change it when i replaced the rings (useing some oil)
Have you deffinetly checked the carb stub for leaks as the rubber comes away from the metal part and it is quite hard to spot on the bike? It does sound like a air leak!
Have you deffinetly checked the carb stub for leaks as the rubber comes away from the metal part and it is quite hard to spot on the bike? It does sound like a air leak!
I agree Adam. I recollect a suggestion that this could be checked by spraying someing on the inlet stub whilst the engine is running but can't recall what it was - WD40 perhaps?
Float sticking (low or too much fuel) Solution...clean & check float level is about 3/4 full in the bowl & the float is shutting off level with the carby.
Jets blocked Solution... re-check jets are clean sideways aswell as through the centre.
Air passages blocked...Leave carby overnight in kero or similar & Blow out all holes with an air compressor.
Thanks for the replies.I had sprayed maintenance spray around the inlet but didn't notice anything,I'll try again.Whether it proves it or not i will remove the inlet stub.I will let you know the results.
There is one screw on the side of the carby...it bolts the fuel pump bracket/arm into the carby.
There is one screw that holds the slide arm down.
Four screws in the top.....holding the top on.
Two screws to hold the slider onto slide arm.
Other than that there is no other screws in the top that i can think of from the top of my head..
Not sure why any of these would cause the problem described but the one at the top of the carb that holds the fuel pump arm on as he mentioned that he had cleaned it already (assuming he tightened these?).
-- Edited by barra8 on Thursday 25th of October 2012 07:43:47 PM
Favourite quote: To be old & wise first you must be young & dumb!
My own: Your never too young to learn an old trick! :)
I was talking to a mate who had a stalling problem on his TTR that was almost impossible to trace. Turned out that there was a loose screw inside the top of the carb. He tightened it up, peened it over and the problem was solved. Just wish I could recall exactly what had worked loose - sorry
Gotta be obvious though...........
Just a thought though if nothing else is obviously wrong.
I sprayed the inlet with WD there was no change.I have now removed the inlet stub, but can see nothing obvious.Iwill have another look at the carb.Thanks for all the replies,please keep them coming,I'm sure we'll find the cause.
I sprayed the inlet with WD there was no change.I have now removed the inlet stub, but can see nothing obvious.Iwill have another look at the carb.Thanks for all the replies,please keep them coming,I'm sure we'll find the cause.
Sometimes with a problem like this, you need to do what we did with my mate with the stalling problem - swap carbs to either confirm or exclude the carb as the culprit.
Turned out to be his carb so he just had to go through his carb methodically until he found the fault - which was a loose screw.
Do you have another TTR owner living locally you can swap carbs with?
The engine starts and idles ok,when i increase the revs it seems like it is running out of petrol. I think this is happening when the main jet would come into play.
"Do you have another TTR owner living locally you can swap carbs with?" No i haven't.
"or it's not put back together properly." Unlikely the carb hasn't been touched for over three years.
Will strip the carb again So far i have tried another exhaust,two different coils,different HT lead and cap.
The engine starts and idles ok,when i increase the revs it seems like it is running out of petrol. I think this is happening when the main jet would come into play.
"or it's not put back together properly." Unlikely the carb hasn't been touched for over three years.
Will strip the carb again So far i have tried another exhaust,two different coils,different HT lead and cap
If you took it apart there is always the chance that you got it wrong...nobody is perfect,we all make mistakes.
As to the problem your on your own if you cannot describe it well enough. I would have liked to have known what you mean by surging...
Does it splutter?..
Does it backfire?...
Does it have a flat spot & get past it?...
Or is it constantly there just as a noticieable flat spot (surging) without any other symptoms.????
Does it have good compression?
Checked spark plug against motor while cranking the motor over to see if it has nice bright blue spark constantly without fault?
What is the spark plug gap?
-- Edited by barra8 on Sunday 28th of October 2012 05:54:22 AM
Favourite quote: To be old & wise first you must be young & dumb!
My own: Your never too young to learn an old trick! :)
Have you checked the fuel tap to see if there is a good flow through it? Or the fuel line, is there a good flow through that?
Does it run better with the choke out?
Has the air filter been checked?
Had a problem on an engine some years ago with a mis-fire on one cylinder on a 6 cyl engine that had the head gasket replaced. Took the inlet manifold off and found a piece of rag jammed in the inlet tract of the missing cylinder.
Have also seen foam filters that are choked pulled into inlets.
-- Edited by Haggis Hunter on Sunday 28th of October 2012 11:23:08 AM
If you took it apart there is always the chance that you got it wrong...nobody is perfect,we all make mistakes.
As to the problem your on your own if you cannot describe it well enough. I would have liked to have known what you mean by surging...
Does it splutter?..
Does it backfire?...
Does it have a flat spot & get past it?...
Or is it constantly there just as a noticieable flat spot (surging) without any other symptoms.????
Does it have good compression?
Checked spark plug against motor while cranking the motor over to see if it has nice bright blue spark constantly without fault?
What is the spark plug gap?
Petc0ck valve filters blocked?
Checked fuel line?
Carby overflow lines?
Float sticking? (low or too much fuel) Solution...clean & check float level is about 3/4 (full roughly 10mm from top of carby bowl) in the bowl & the float is shutting off level with the carby.
Jets blocked Solution... re-check jets are clean sideways aswell as through the centre.
Air passages blocked...Leave carby overnight in kero or similar & Blow out all holes with an air compressor.
Alot of the time if it was carby related you would hear a popping (slight backfiring) when using your gears to slow down -that is not very noticeable but still there.
You could also try turning your fuel off to see if it helps. This will not always indicate too much fuel as there is other causes but if it goes better for a bit until the fuel runs out it could be sticking float. It could also be weak spark.Another possible cause for this symptom is air box clogged or filter (although you did mention you cleaned it).
The symptom you describe does not mean you are running out of fuel. This could mean too much fuel,weak spark,(low compression although not likely) not enough air or not enough fuel so simply saying that it seems like it's running out of fuel tells me nothing.
-- Edited by barra8 on Monday 29th of October 2012 12:16:03 AM
Favourite quote: To be old & wise first you must be young & dumb!
My own: Your never too young to learn an old trick! :)
" If you took it apart there is always the chance that you got it wrong...nobody is perfect,we all make mistakes."
The bike as been fine i.e. no running problems.I have only taken the carb apart to solve this ongoing surging. To explain, have you ever run out of petrol?Well that best describes it. Today i have stripped the carb again,i still haven't found anything.Tomorrow i will take the choke assembly apart,once i have shaped a spanner to fit . Thank you all for your support.