Since I've ditched the idea of a restoration in favour of a custom job, it's time to sacrifice the digi clock to the TTR gods.
Digital speedo clock - fully working and cosmetically very good. Open to offers, although a swap for other parts would be preferred. (I'm prepared to send first via recorded post)
I have a battery box I was keeping as a spare you could have for £8 posted or could do you a deal if you have the original number plate holder and number plate lamp you aren't going to be using? it has a square melted out as in bottom right of the picture but perfectly usable.
-- Edited by domski1 on Tuesday 9th of October 2012 08:02:26 AM
I don't have the original number plate holder or light, Adam. My number plate was screwed to the mud guard, with the light fixed above it. I am interested in the battery box though. £8 posted is a very good deal. I will PM you first thing tomorrow (when I get paid).