Well Cubber. If you want to see a really expensive bent con rod have a look HERE and click on Horror Stories on the left and then scroll down the page to Test Bed Smash.
I bet that woke a few people up when it went
I remember being sent out to a 'problem with the engine' job on a 6 cyl diesel of about 150Hp in size driving a fire pump in a sprinkler system. it had put a leg out of bed big time. The con rod was laying on the floor minus piston and big end cap. The rod had been bent double and the small end was touching the big end.
More worrying was the bits of cast iron block embedded in the walls both sides of the engine like shrapnel.
The engines used to run at silly revs. When you had one on test you tended to stand either in front or behind and never at the side for the reason above! If you had to go from one end to the other it would be with one very large, quick step!
But it's a tad bigger than a TTR engine and is bound to be more spectacular.
My advice is not to exceed maximum revs if at all possible.
A properly run engine that hasn't been abused and treated nicely is well worth aiming for. Since the oil is the engine's life blood I think it needs to be clean, changed regulary with the correct stuff and filtered well. Do this and the engine has a good chance of serving you well.