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Post Info TOPIC: Removing ignition barrel and finding the ignition key code number


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Removing ignition barrel and finding the ignition key code number

I seem to have misplaced my keys somewhere between the Pyrenees and the UK! I have hunted the forum and net but cant find any info on how to remove the barrel? Obviously it is in the off position, no steering lock on though. I am not that bothered in having a key as I don't leave the bike so would be fine to put a switch in or remove the pins from the barrel. Either way i need to get it out with the minimum fuss. Any help muchly appreciated.


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Welcome to the forum!

You need to take the tank off first. On the LH side of the frame you will find a plastic cap over the back of the ignition barrel - both held on with a torx bolt. Take that off and you will be able to take the ignition barrel off from the wiring side.

See pic below so that you know what it looks like off.

Ignition switch.jpg

Once you have the barrel off, you will be able to take the key number off the black strip (not easy to read!) shown by blue arrow in pic below and order new keys from your local Yamaha dealer else Martyn at MotoWard will do it mail order for you. 


Hope that helps.



Exeter, Devon, UK

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RE: Removing ignition barrel

Thanks Brian, thats a great help! Not a new owner but first time posting on forum. Normally been in contact with you by email going by my real name Oli.


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TTRfan wrote:

Bad luck cry

The last two keys I ordered had a letter followed by 5 numbers

I wonder whether you need to read the code under ultra violet or something similar confuse


I guess it's just the first group then, as mine is B2*5*0

Dealer's closed Mondays, give them a try tomorrow.


-- Edited by TTRfan on Monday 27th of August 2012 09:23:19 PM


NEK (Almost in Canada)


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TTRfan wrote:
TDVT wrote:

I guess it's just the first group then, as mine is B2*5*0


 Yep - that sounds about right! I will edit the number on your message in case there are any bike thieving scrotes around evileye

 Probably a good idea.


I had been given just the one key when I bought the bike & took it with me to "the big city" the last two trips with the intent of getting a spare, only to find them closed both times.

So much for good intentions!


Good idea for carrying a spare.

-- Edited by TDVT on Monday 27th of August 2012 09:49:09 PM


NEK (Almost in Canada)


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RE: Removing ignition barrel/New Key

Well, I took my only key out of the bike for the trailer ride home after yesterdays ride, put it in a safe place & have lost it.

Took out the cylinder & that black label IS hard to read!

I get:  6 characters-space- 4 characters

Does this sound like the right code configuration? The nearest dealer is 1.5 hrs away so I'm going to try to get replacements by phone/mail.


NEK (Almost in Canada)


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RE: Removing ignition barrel

Bad luck cry

The last two keys I ordered had a letter followed by 5 numbers

I wonder whether you need to read the code under ultra violet or something similar confuse



Exeter, Devon, UK

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We carry a spare key inside the tail light. They fit tight, can't be seen and no bulb problems.


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TDVT wrote:

I guess it's just the first group then, as mine is B2*5*0


 Yep - that sounds about right! I will edit the number on your message in case there are any bike thieving scrotes around evileye


Exeter, Devon, UK

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Can you pull this out and take it to a locksmith so they can cut one?

Thanks mr yamaha for making your ignition keys fall out when the ignition is ON.... Lousy thing fell out and can still ride but the fuel cap us locked too! Dammit. Thank god I got her home


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anitabonghit wrote:

Can you pull this out and take it to a locksmith so they can cut one?

Thanks mr yamaha for making your ignition keys fall out when the ignition is ON.... Lousy thing fell out and can still ride but the fuel cap us locked too! Dammit. Thank god I got her home

AFAIK you have to order a key from a Yamaha dealer using the number on the barrel. 


Exeter, Devon, UK

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I went through this (I have posts just a few back) & the dealer had to order the key from Yamaha, that would be cut from the code I supplied from my cylinder. I believe there was a Yamaha web-site  for ordering direct but I can't seem to find it. (dealer may have given me the URL)

I also think it was around $40 US for one key, so I didn't bother & fitted a toggle switch which I CAN'T lose. I live in a pretty rural area & just do day rides so no worries.

I did find THIS on ebay, LINK. Haven't tried his services but I might since it's for a pair of keys. Says he ships to OZ too.


NEK (Almost in Canada)


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If you are in the UK, the new keys are less than £10 from MotoWard - Martyn is your man!


Exeter, Devon, UK

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Open Enduro keys

If you still have a genuine Yamaha OE key then it is likely to have the key number on it. I would strongly suggest making a note of it if you haven't already done so!

You never know when you might need it.



Exeter, Devon, UK

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RE: Removing ignition barrel

Well I got the code and the locksmith is a legend and can cut me 2 keys for 40$

I go out of my way to avoid my local yamaha dealer. All they want is get your money and get you out. Still love my yammy though.


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anitabonghit wrote:

Thanks mr yamaha for making your ignition keys fall out when the ignition is ON.... Lousy thing fell out and can still ride but the fuel cap us locked too! Dammit. Thank god I got her home

 The ignition key should NOT fall out while the ignition is On and for that matter when switched to the Off position it should take some effort to remove it. It should not just ''fall out''. I would suggest that your ignition barrel has been tampered with or is not working correctly.



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TT-R250M wrote:


 The ignition key should NOT fall out while the ignition is On and for that matter when switched to the Off position it should take some effort to remove it. It should not just ''fall out''. I would suggest that your ignition barrel has been tampered with or is not working correctly.


 They should not fall out but they do fall out when they are worn! My old Raid does this. I fitted a key ring with a loop that I place over the steering lock. Have had no missing keys since. I was lucky, I saw the key fall out when I stopped to open a gate


You should also worry if the lock is that worn you will be able to start it with any key. I can start the Raid with my newer TTR key.




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I have the same issue on my 1993 OE. Is there a solution to this (while still keeping the original key)? The key also opens the fuel tank cap and the helmet lock. If not, I guess a new ignition barrel and key would have to do.


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KNjonjo wrote:

I have the same issue on my 1993 OE. Is there a solution to this (while still keeping the original key)? The key also opens the fuel tank cap and the helmet lock. If not, I guess a new ignition barrel and key would have to do.

Is the key worn? If so, a cheaper solution would be to get a new key which should be a tighter fit. I am happy to do this for you if you email me the key number wink



Exeter, Devon, UK

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Hi Brian,


When I got the bike, it did not have the original key so I only have a copy which does not look worn to me.  I saw the ignition barrel and key you put up for sale and I believe it would do the trick but sadly I'm skint at the moment.



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New key?

Hi All,

I currently only have one key and it is quite gnarled  and and a bit bent, so definitely need an other one or two.

I have the original owners user manual with a key code written down. I assume I can get a copy key from number. Do I need to go to Yamaha for this? 




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What bad luck. hmm

If you are in the UK, the new keys are less than £10 from MotoWard - Martyn is your man!

HERE is their web site. Phone 01403 823222






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East Budleigh. Devon

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Martyn, I struck while the iron was hot and have ordered two new keys from MotoWard. About £12 all in inc p&p. Can't grumble at that.
Thanks for your help.


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ordered one for me too !
Ta Cubber


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RE: Removing ignition barrel and finding the ignition key code number

Bump - some useful info in this old thread!


Exeter, Devon, UK

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Just removed my barrel as mentioned above only to find i have no rectangular cut out therefore no hidden code, my key fits the steering lock, ignition and petrol cap but the key is a copy so could do with the original code ... any ideas please?


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The number is on a small strip of black "tape" stuck to the barrel. Presumably yours is missing and you don't have an original key with the Yamaha number on it?

If so, I don't think you will be able to get a replacement key from Yamaha and will have to get a copy cut.



Exeter, Devon, UK

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Ah, thanks for the reply, that makes a little more sense than a missing slot, I'll go to Timpsons tomorrow and hopefully return with a working duplicate



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Took a photo of my copied key and sent it to keysinthepost.Com next day a brand new key arrived in the post and works better than my copy ... winner


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I have just phoned MotoWard and they can still order in new keys if they are given the key number. £6.50 plus p&p etc.



Exeter, Devon, UK

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Is that the same size as the original? All the copies I have are too long, I always have to cut and drill them shorter, if I have too many keyrings they catch and bend 🙃



Daniel Lee

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I had the same problem, too long.
The last time I got one cut I asked the Locksmith to cut some length off the end before he started cutting the “teeth.”
No problem.


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The keys from Motoward (and presumably other Yamaha parts dealers?) are as per the original is my recollection. They don't need your key to copy, a new key is cut for you.

We need someone to test it out and confirm - anyone volunteering? biggrin



Exeter, Devon, UK

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TTRfan wrote:

The keys from Motoward (and presumably other Yamaha parts dealers?) are as per the original is my recollection. They don't need your key to copy, a new key is cut for you.

We need someone to test it out and confirm - anyone volunteering? biggrin


 Volunteer here Brian😎

Today I removed the tank on my bluey and took out the ignition barrel.

I could not see any number on the black tape as has been described here and so I carefully removed the tape thinking that the number may be beneath it. Well there was no number there so I more closely examined the tape I had removed under a much stronger light and photographed it on close up on my phone.

The number was there but it was very very feint indeed and took some careful deciphering which I hope I have got correct.

My number begins with the letter ‘A’. Five digits then follow with some additional letters and numbers further along the tape. I have ignored the later characters.

Then I phoned MotoWard. I can’t remember the chaps name who I spoke to but apparently Martyn was there but dealing with another customer.

The price for them to supply a key is presently £6.50. Postage is extra and this is £5.

I decided to order two keys and got a small discount which was £12 for two keys plus the £5 postage so £17 all in.

I will update this thread when I have the keys ( which I am not expecting for a week at least) and have checked them but I am hopeful that the process will work.



-- Edited by UncleFZ on Tuesday 19th of September 2023 06:31:06 PM


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well, I now how the two keys I ordered from Motoward.

Martyn phoned me a day or so after ordering and said that Yamaha could not match a key to the number I provided.

Martyn asked me to email a photo of my original key and they could create one from that which is what I did.

Both keys fit well in both the ignition and steering head lock (I dont have a helmet lock so could not test that aspect).

I was a little disappointed as the supplied keys are not made from the originally slim shaped blanks so the key does protruded further than the original by approximately a half inch so about 12-15mm I guess.

This is not a huge problem though and the main thing is that they work.

No criticism of Motoward intended here, just passing on the details of my experience.

I did speak with Martyn again after the keys arrived and he said that they generally inform customers of the situation regarding different blanks, it was a little unfortunate in my case that I did not know this beforehand.

So, I guess the process via the numbered sticker is as yet untested but if you have a key then at least you can get another.

Oh yes, one more thing, the price for two keys including postage came out at £16 rather than the £17 I was originally quoted.

Hope this post is useful to someone.


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