Hey guys, been stalking these forums for a while now and think that there is so much usefull info so thanks. I am stuck with a problem the problem being that i want to buy a wizeco piston and ring kit off ebay and wondering whether it would fit my bike. eg. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Wiseco-Piston-Kit-Yamaha-TTR250-99-06-73mm-/220616519731?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item335dc4f033 If not what years do fit it?If anyone can confirm this and by confirming i mean bulletproof not just thinking or guessing. My bike is a ttr250 1996 Open Enduro (purple and white) and head and cylinder barrel number: 4GY... I have already rang a few Yamaha dealers and all they want is money and don't care about assisting me.Also tried to look it up on the internet but??? If anyone can it would be muchly appreciated.Cheers..
Edited: I rang a few more dealers and found one that knew the info. APPARENTLY all the 250's are all the same so good news I know what i will be buying next
Favourite quote: To be old & wise first you must be young & dumb!
My own: Your never too young to learn an old trick! :)
The reason many adverts give the date range as 199-2006 is because that is the period that TTRs were officially sold by Yamaha US. However, as you have discovered there is significant commonality from 1993 to current models with most changes being only cosmetic.