That said, I am running a 280 kit in my project bike and, now I have sorted out the misfire, it is running like a dream. Can't wait to get it fully run in and see what it will do flat out.
Seems to be a nice bit of torque but don't know yet about the top end.
Hi all i recently purchased an 2004 TTR 250, the previous owner replaced the entire suspention with " a heavier carrieing system ", he also went bigger on both pilot and main jets aswell as bigger on bith front and back sprockets. my question is: what els can i do to to give it more power?
TTRFAN thanks for the link it realy helped, i have another question though, how much difference would an fmf backend do? oh and would a "power bomb"in the front end work on this bike? also what would i have to change on the bike to suite a racing cdi?
TTRFAN thanks for the welcome and the info, i look foward to many more mod convos... Oh and would gas flowing my head and bigger lobes on my cam need any other mods on my bike to work?
TTRFAN thanks for the welcome and the info, i look foward to many more mod convos... Oh and would gas flowing my head and bigger lobes on my cam need any other mods on my bike to work?
Gas flowing on its own might improve things, particuarly smoothing out any step between the head and inlet manifold.
A sure way to increase the power of a 4T is to increase the compression ratio but there is no gain without pain and my guess is that all mods will decrease reliability to one extent or another.
A TTR250 won various national enduro championships in Australia. If you are really keen and have a good budget then it might be worth trying to make contact with the race team mechanic/tuner.
TTRFAN thanks for the info.. I am a lil heasitent when de-creasing reliability. How much more power would i get if i put a fmf tail on it? Its 3k for one so its a huge chunk out of my budget and if the cash could be spent on "higher performing" parts im going to leave the standard tail on
TTRFAN i had a look at that link but it didnt give any sizes... Do you know the max lobe size i can go in the cams?
Sorry but I don't have any more info than is on the site. Best email them direct with any queries.
I have never used anything other than standard camshafts and haven't looked at using any aftermarket ones so really am not going to be able to help you much on this - sorry.