Just looking to get a bit of a group to get together to ride with in Victoria preferable round Toolangi state forest or nearby areas. Mainly on weekends for a bit of recreation riding.
If you’re interested would be awesome.
A dried up puddle is a missed opitunity ;)
Trouble is it would take me six months to ride there on my TTR and once I'd arrived I'd have to start straight back home, my passes out don't last more than 12 months!
I hope you get some contacts sorted and have a really good time.
Hi Aidan, where do you live? I'm in Upwey. My bike trailer is buggered and I've been too lazy to have it fixed, so the only times my TTR has been out is dual sporting, which is the direction my riding has been going in. Ordered a set of MT21's to further it's abilities in that regard.
Have you looked at AMTRA? (Australian motorcycle trailriders association). That's a friendly social riding club which have all levels of rides and riders, a club property at Abbeyard (high country) and the majority of members are from Melbourne. www.amtra.com.au