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Post Info TOPIC: Posting guidelines

Super Guru

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Posts: 8615
Posting guidelines
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In addition to the standard Activeboard terms and conditions for use of this forum, please note the following:

Forum aims.

This forum is intended to provide an atmosphere of open communication, where each member can share his or her own insights and opinions and contribute to ongoing discussions by other members.

To help achieve this goal, we ask that you:

Do not post libellous or illegal material.

Off Topic Posts. Stay on topic! Some posts may divert off course from the original topic. Rather than drag a thread off topic, you should start a new thread in the appropriate forum and post a link in the original thread. Reasonable deviations from a topic's starting point are allowed, if discussions on the topic's original subject appear to have finished.

Rude behaviour and flame wars are not acceptable. Similarly, personal attacks, both on the list and privately, as a result of conversation on-list, are taboo and will result on a ban.

Do not post harassing or discriminatory comments based on race, ethnic origin, gender, or sexual orientation.

Do not solicit or advertise. You are permitted to advertise items for sale in the appropriate forum section unless they breach these guidelines.  Other advertisements require the express permission of the Administrator and Moderators.

All CAPS titles/posts. Posting in capitals is seen as shouting and is to be avoided.

Please do not copy, reproduce or quote the content of PMs (personal forum messages) or emails received from other users or moderators / administrators without their express permission.


We reserve the right to edit any post for reasons including, but not limited to: language, length, or content not appropriate to the topic of this forum.

Older threads or messages may be removed from time to time, to maintain categories or threads of manageable length.

Please try and check that the topic you are starting is in the correct section of the forum:
Moderators reserve the right to move posts that are obviously in the wrong section.

Trolls and Trolling.A troll is a person who posts inflammatory messages, with the intention of disrupting the thread or to upset its participants. This behaviour will not be tolerated and such users may be permanently barred.

If a moderator or admin does something such as edit a post or lock a thread, please respect their decision as they are doing what is best for the community. If you still have a problem with a moderator then please politely PM them and state your (valid) reasons. You will much more likely be listened to and treated fairly than if you open up a thread publicly and say "I hate you, you locked my thread!!". We will solve arguments quicker if we can talk about it.

Any forum member who breaches these Guidelines through hostile, abusive or other inappropriate behaviour will find their account privileges revoked see Banned Members section below.



Remember that this is a public forum, and you have no guarantee or expectation of privacy. Your post could be read by anyone.

Please therefore do not post information that could bring the forum into disrepute.

We would highly recommend obscuring number plates where these are visible in photographs.

Posts can be traced. We record information about every user of this forum, and will honour any court orders or requests by recognised law authorities for information about individuals posting libellous material.

All communications on this board are deemed to public and not private communications. We reserve the right to remove without notice any message posted for any reason, but we have no obligation to remove content you find objectionable.

Regarding your email address and other personal information

Although we require your email address for verification purposes, we recommend that you do not post it or any other personal information such, as phone numbers or your home address.

Your posts can be searched by bots or third parties that have no affiliation with the administrator of this forum.

Please include your proper name in your profile so that a degree of personalisation applies rather than just using anonymous user ids.

Banned members

Any post that violates the above conditions, or departs from the intended purpose of this forum may be removed without notice by a moderator and may result in the user being given a warning. There will be a first warning, followed by a second and final warning, followed by an instant ban.

Where a user is banned from posting or accessing the forums, such ban includes using another members account or log on details to access the forums or asking another member to post on their behalf. This action could have consequences for the other forum member.

The initial ban will usually be for 48 hours while the case is considered by the moderators / administrator. The ban may be removed or extended depending upon the outcome. If the user gets banned again it may be for a longer period or permanently in serious instances.

The moderators reserve the right to instantly ban a user where the transgression is considered severe.

In conclusion:

If you feel you cannot abide by these simple requirements, please re-consider your subscription to this forum.

Users who have not logged onto the forum during a two month period, will automatically get deleted from the system.

If you have questions or comments about this forum (such as technical difficulties or performance issues), please contact the forum administrator or anyone of the moderators.


The views expressed by members of this forum are their own and do not reflect the position of the administrator, or other users. Each member is responsible for the content of his/her own posts.

Please report any activity that you notice which is libellous, inflammatory, or in violation of common decency to a moderator immediately.

These guidelines will be reviewed and amended from time to time.

.. and finally... please enjoy using the forum! 




Exeter, Devon, UK

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