There seems to be a 'pulsation damper' sitting on the pipe, possibly glued in. I found mine loose when I was removing the carb.
Suspect somebody may have tried to get air box and connecting pipe off in one piece and caused the damage. This may have led to dirt getting into jets.
A picture is worth a thousand words. I have some on my phone but a drawing from the parts book may be better.
It certainly does Brian, believe it or not I seperated the air pipe from the airbox during gaining access to the carb. Noting that the air chamber/boost bottle was loose, I thought it had been damaged during a previous removal of the air box. (Not me!)
I put them back on seperately too, not a job I'd do this way again as the wee nuts are a nightmare to get back on!
The loose seal, being under vacuum is a strong contender for letting air/dirt in. It's now glued in so maybe she'll run sweet, especially with the main jet nozzle holes cleared.
I also found one of the carb vent pipes was missing. Now replaced but an NRV required.
After my 1st carb removal and strip I'm pleased to report things are improved greatly.
It's been so long waiting on non cojone freezing weather that I can't find my original post describing what I found.
Briefly, some of the holes in the 'shield' round the needle were blocked possibly by dirt getting in downstream of the filter through a loose bit on the air pipe.
(Maybe if Brian reads this he'll tell me how to find/link to the original post)
Anyway, last monday was forecast to be our one dry day this week, so all thermals were donned and a test run done.
She runs sweet
Smooth--- at low and mid revs, maybe running out of gas at near max revs when you'd be wanting to change up anyway.
Really, like a different bike.
Tried to find some more trails nearby but we're well fenced in
Went to a wee 'amatuer home made' MotoX track where you can get in by slightly illegal methods and had a play in the mud, then off scouting, and photos, (going to post elsewhere on the site)
All in all well chuffed, so gave her fresh oil and filter when we got back home.